We do the work, you retain control
Why not outsource your tax planning, business benchmarking and business advisory needs? You can generate fees for your practice and retain control of your clients by outsourcing these services to TaxFitness.
Optional – yes, you can have your cake and eat it!
This is a great optional service for accountants who want to ease their way into these consultancy services, see how they are actually done and the type of fees they generate. Also perfect for accountants who want to learn gradually.
Or maybe you have decided your practice just does not have time or the human resources right now but you also don’t want to miss an excellent opportunity. Gaining a competitive edge is important in today’s accounting industry.
Outsourcing basics
- Completely done in-house, in Australia by experts at TaxFitness.
- You are the face of your business and the client remains 100% your client and a client of your practice.
- You have the option to deal completely with the client (we remain behind the scenes completing the work and guiding the processes). Alternatively, we can co-manage the client for these services with you (together).
- You have the opportunity to learn.

- Service fees for tax planning, business benchmarking and business advisory are set by us so the client is charged correctly.
- You will receive 50% of the service fee.
Get started now
Contact us and we will talk to you about the referral process so you can begin showing your clients remarkable benefits and savings. While at the same time experiencing growth in your practice’s fees. Once you start the process, you won’t look back.
We are proud to say we have never worked with a practice that has ever regretted taking up this opportunity.
Making a referral is 100% safe. Make the change now and stop missing out on fees.