Business benchmarking software for accountants

Reports are the picture, you are the storyteller

Our business benchmarking software helps accountants to work productively and in a highly targeted way to address very specific performance issues with their business clients. Business benchmarking falls under the umbrella of business advisory, but we believe it is such a valuable and specific area to be targeting that we have given it its own category.

Our business advisory report can be specifically tailored to focus on benchmarking factors by using benchmarking filters and specific benchmarking strategies.

This allows accountants to quickly produce a report targeting client data and strategies for improvement in critical areas like:

  • Increasing sales
  • Reducing cost of goods sold and materials
  • Reducing wages
  • Reducing overheads
  • Reducing subcontractors, and
  • Reducing owner’s compensation

The report can be produced at any time. An ideal time is at the conclusion of a BAS service. Instead of just providing your client with numbers and ticking a box to meet BAS deadlines you can also produce a benchmarking report to round off the service with helpful analysis and advice for improvement. Keep your client in business, on track and improving. That’s your job.

Improvement strategies can lead to more compliance work or chargeable services for implementation.

Competitive benchmarking

With benchmarking, a business’s performance, practices and processes are compared against industry leaders or competitors. We have chosen to base TaxFitness benchmarks on the top 20% of performers in each Australian business type.

Comparing your client’s business against top performers in the same field provides ideas, insights, opportunities for improvement and a better understanding of a business’s market position. Constructive change is then possible.

How many benchmarked business types?

We’ve made it our mission to benchmark over 400 business types.

"I highly rate TaxFitness for their tax planning and business advisory /benchmarking solutions. This year, I’ll be including a module in my programme for those whom prefer to use TaxFitness software instead of spreadsheets, supporting my philosopy that tax planning isn’t just about minimising tax – it’s about delivering valuable insights, whether the client is in a profitable position or facing challenges"

- Amanda Gascoigne -

"I have been a user of this tax planning software for many years now and I'm extremely happy with this product.
With xero linking with tax fitness, tax planning can be done easily and cost effectively for clients"

- Nishan Senaratne -

"I highly recommend TaxFitness to all tax accountants and business owners. have used TaxFitness for many years now and have found it to be a fantastic software that assists tax agents efficiently".

- Phuong Dang -