Advertising and Marketing Professionals
5 July 2018

Average weekly pay: $1,346
Employment size: 206,600
Future growth: Strong
Skill level Bachelor degree or higher
Advertising and marketing professionals develop and coordinate advertising strategies and campaigns and identify and develop market opportunities for new and existing goods and services.
Typical tax deductions include:
- Travel to and from work if having either shifting places of work; or transporting bulky equipment when visiting clients, i.e. client samples and demonstration equipment.
- Travel between offices, visiting clients or for training purposes.
- Phone, internet and laptop.
- Non-entertainment gifts bought for work purposes by salespersons who are entitled to receive commission income. Deductible gifts include a Christmas hamper, a bottle of whisky, wine, gift vouchers, flowers, etc.
- Home office occupancy expenses if required by the employer to work from home. This includes rent, mortgage interest, council rates, insurance and repairs.
- Depreciation on computers, cameras, video recorders, and laptops. Each item that costs less than $300 can be expensed upfront.
- Referral commission and expenses.
- Handbag, satchel or briefcase.
- Meals and accommodation if required to be away overnight on sales trips or for training/conferences.
- Home office running expenses.
- Corporate uniform.
- Renewing a sales certificate or work-related memberships.
- Work-related short training courses, for example, first aid, OH&S, bookkeeping, sales techniques, customer service, merchandising, computer skills or management.
- Self-education course fees, the cost of books, stationery, equipment and travel required for the course.
Non-deductible expenses:
- Advertising – If earning income from a fixed salary and not entitled to earn commission.’
- Gifts – If earning a fixed income and not entitled to earn commission.
- Entertainment expenses such as buying lunch for a client or business associate.
- Expenses incurred in attending social functions, e.g. monthly networking breakfasts.
Posted in Occupation Deductions
"You’d be stupid not to try to cut your tax bill and those that don’t are stupid in business"
- Bono: U2