Roydon Snelgar


21 July 2017

Capital city:               Dublin      Currency:                   Euro (€) & Pound Sterling  Population:               6.4 million   Language:                 English, Irish, Ulster Scots Dutch   GDP  …

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Tax Planning Strategy 201 | Wineries & the Wine Makers WET Rebate

19 July 2017

Taxpayers operating a winery receive all the standard business deductions plus the additional primary production related deductions including: Immediate deduction for the cost of fencing and water facilities such as dams, tanks, bores, irrigation channels, pumps, water towers and windmills. Access to the Farm Management Deposit Scheme. Tax averaging. In addition, since 2004 wine makers…

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Historical Tax Avoidance

19 July 2017

Tax avoidance has been around as long as taxes. One historic example of tax avoidance still evident today was the payment of window tax. It was introduced in England and Wales in 1696 with the aim of imposing tax on the relative prosperity of individuals as the bigger the house, the more windows it was…

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14 July 2017

Capital city:               Hamilton      Currency:                   Bermudian dollarc (BMD)  Population:               64,237    Language:                 English   GDP:                …

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Tax Planning Strategy 169 | Salary Packaging Rental & Share Investment Losses to ‘Beat’ the Income Test Rules

13 July 2017

Investment Loss (TNIL) is an individual’s taxable losses from rental and share investments. The TNIL is added back to an individual’s taxable income to calculate the tax related concessions and obligations for: Medicare levy surcharge. 15% additional tax on concessional contributions (Division 293). Child support payments. $1,000 up-front reduction for discounts on employee shares/options. Senior…

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Minerals Resource Rent Tax | 2012

12 July 2017

The Minerals Resource Rent Tax (MRRT) was a tax on profits generated from the mining of non-renewable resources in Australia.  The tax, levied on 30% of the ‘super profits’ from the mining of iron ore and coal in Australia, was introduced on 1 July 2012. Supporters of the tax pointed to continually-large profits produced by…

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7 July 2017

Capital city:               Nassau     Currency:                   Bahamian dollar (BSD) Population:               372,000   Language:                 English    GDP                …

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Tax Planning Strategy 163 | Salary Packaging Business Assets to Double Dip

6 July 2017

  This tax strategy allows an employee, who is also separately carrying on a business as a sole trader, to claim depreciation on the cost of an asset in their business that has been fully reimbursed by their employer. This strategy involves ‘double dipping’ as the employees business depreciation claim is unaffected by their employer…

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1942 – Commonwealth Takes Over Income Taxes

5 July 2017

The Commonwealth legislated that their income tax take priority over any State income tax and that any State retiring from income tax collection be paid a grant in compensation for lost revenue. The States rejected this tax takeover but the High Court ruled that the Commonwealth income tax legislation was valid, essentially giving the Commonwealth…

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An Authority in Tax Planning

3 July 2017

Our website has been live for less than six months and we are already on the first page of Google, position 4 for tax planning.  This was not achieved with SEO tricks.  We offer visitors unique, comprehensive, accurate, and useful information on tax planning in Australia. Within a few months we are now second only…

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"You’d be stupid not to try to cut your tax bill and those that don’t are stupid in business"

- Bono: U2