
A New Version of TaxFitness!

TaxFitness Dashbaord

We are excited to announce a new and advanced / improved / upgraded version of TaxFitness!


You can now remove the TaxFitness logo and branding from your Tax Savings Reports and add your own brand colours quickly and easily as a practice manger from My Practice.

Integrated Mud Map

We have integrated the Client Mud Map into My Clients. You can now add multiple group members to your clients and enter their financial data (income, expenses, assets and liabilities) directly into the TaxFitness software.

Intuitive and informative

You can view your clients’ financial position in real time as you add new tax strategies to your reports.

My Reports

We have updated the Tax Savings Report so that it clearly summarises and highlights the actual tax saved by implementing the selected tax strategies. 

This makes communicating the benefits of tax planning to clients much easier. 

We are constantly working to improve our tax planning software.

If you have any feedback on these changes or how we can improve our software with future updates, please let us know by email.

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- Bono: U2