Roydon Snelgar

The Hair Powder Tax of 1795

15 May 2018

  During the 17th and 18th centuries the wearing of wigs by men was very fashionable. Women didn’t wear wigs but instead added hair extensions to their natural hair. Whilst women mainly powdered their hair grey or blueish grey, men went for the bright white look. The wig powder was made from finely ground starch…

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11 May 2018

      Canada is a federal parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy, with Queen Elizabeth II being the head of state. The federation is composed of ten provinces and three territories. Although Canada is the world’s second-largest county (covering 9.98 million square km), it’s sparsely populated with the majority of its land being dominated…

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Cleaning Company Saves $123,500 in Tax

10 May 2018

Objectives:  Sam, operates a cleaning company servicing several shopping centre clients. As the cleaning industry has very low margins, Sam is looking to reduce his cost of doing business to remain competitive. Facts: $2 million revenue. Employs 25 individual subcontractors at an annual cost of $1.3 million. Accountant’s Advice:  Tax Strategy 101: Reducing Super Guarantee…

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Tax Deductions for Defence Force Members

9 May 2018

  Average weekly pay:     $1,436 Employment size:          79,424   Future growth:                Moderate     Skill level                           Certificate II or III  Defence force members are employed by the Australian Defence Force (ADF) which is…

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The Glove Tax of 1785

8 May 2018

As Britain’s 1784 tax on hats was such a lucrative revenue raiser for the government, they decided to complement it with a glove tax. The 1785 glove tax was levied at the rate of one penny on gloves to the value of ten pence, two pence to gloves costing between ten pence and fifteen pence,…

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Campione d’Italia

2 May 2018

Campione d’Italia is a municipality of the Province of Como in the Lombardy region of Italy. This postage stamp exclave only totals 1.6 km2 and is surrounded by the Swiss canton of Ticino.  Campione is very integrated with Switzerland, both administratively and economically. For example, Italian citizens residing in Campione have the Swiss franc as…

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Tax Savings Strategy 206 | Private Investment Companies

2 May 2018

The benefits of using a private company to accumulate investments include: Company tax rate of 27.5% (which will eventually reduce to 25% by 2025). Ability to retain profits after tax (important in the lead-up to retirement when individual taxable incomes can be high). Fully franked dividends can be accumulated tax free due to the dividend…

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Tax Deductions for Bookkeepers

2 May 2018

Average weekly pay:          $1,000  Employment size:              107,700   Future growth:                    Decline       Skill level                               Certificate II or III Bookkeepers maintain and evaluate…

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The Brick Tax of 1784

1 May 2018

       The brick tax was a tax on bricks and tiles introduced in Great Britain during King George III’s reign to help pay for the wars in the American Colonies. The tax was originally levied at the rate of 2s. 6d. per 1000 bricks, 3s per 1000 plain tiles, and 8s per 1000…

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27 April 2018

      Capital city:                Bandar Seri Begawan     Currency:                    Brunei dollar (BND)       Population:                417,200    Language:                  Malay     GDP:     …

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"You’d be stupid not to try to cut your tax bill and those that don’t are stupid in business"

- Bono: U2