Roydon Snelgar

Case Study | Financing with 100% Overseas Debt

25 April 2018

    Objectives:   Tony, a Singapore national, wants to invest $3 million into Australian commercial property. Tony believes this will diversify his investment portfolio so reducing risk, whilst providing attractive long-term capital growth opportunities. Facts: Tony is flush with funds so doesn’t need to borrow to fund the investment. Over time Tony will make further…

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Tax Deductions for Sales Representatives

24 April 2018

  Average weekly pay:           $1,200  Employment size:                126,300   Future growth:                      Stable         Skill level                                 Certificate II or…

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1784 – The Hat Tax

24 April 2018

In 1784 Pitt the Younger introduced a tax on men’s hats to raise government revenue. The government believed the tax would be equitable as the rich would have a large number of expensive hats, whereas the poor might have one cheap hat or none at all. Ladies hats were exempt from the tax. The hat…

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20 April 2018

      Capital city:                Gaborone      Currency:                    Pula        Population:                2,250,260    Language:                  English     GDP:         …

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Tax Savings Strategy 205 | Company Shares Owned by Family Trust

18 April 2018

This strategy involves having a company’s ordinary shares owned by a family trust structure (instead of the individual directors). This applies irrespective of whether the company operates a business or holds investments. The advantages of this strategy include: Provides asset protection – If the directors personally go bankrupt then the company is protected as the…

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Tax Deductions for Ministers of Religion

18 April 2018

       Average weekly pay:          $932  Employment size:                23,100   Future growth:                     Moderate       Skill level                                Bachelor Degree or…

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1773 – A Tax on Tea

17 April 2018

                The East India Company (EIC) was a British joint-stock company formed in 1600 to pursue trade with the East Indies (Southeast Asia). The company ended up mainly trading with China and seizing control of the Indian subcontinent. The company traded in basic commodities such as cotton, silk,…

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201 Tax Saving Strategies

13 April 2018

This book details 201 tax saving strategies and ideas, that if implemented will save you tax. It doesn’t matter whether you are an employee, investor, or business owner, there are tax strategies that apply to your circumstances. Often taxpayers are unaware of all the tax saving strategies that are available. This is understandable as the…

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13 April 2018

     Capital city:                Sucre, La Paz      Currency:                    Boliviano (BOB)    Population:                11,410,651    Language:                  Spanish     GDP:         …

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"You’d be stupid not to try to cut your tax bill and those that don’t are stupid in business"

- Bono: U2