Personal finance strategies by age
3 August 2021
Your financial strategy should change as you age. Here is a general guidline for each stage of your life.
Earn, growth Invest and save in your 20’s
Your twenties should be focused on:
- earning money.
- investing in a long-term diversified growth portfolio.
Earn, growth invest, leverage and reduce in your 30’s
Your thirties should be focused on:
- Earning money.
- Investing in a long-term diversified growth portfolio.
- Using some of your earned capital for a property deposit if buying a property is part of your financial goals.
- Paying down your mortgage.
Earn, income invest and Reduce in your 40’s
Your forties should be focused on:
- Earning money.
- Weighting your investment portfolio towards income (dividend) earning shares and ETF’s whilst remaining diversified.
- Paying down your mortgage.
Earn, income invest and Reduce in your 50’s
Your 50’s should be focused on:
- Earning money.
- Investing in an income earning portfolio.
- Paying off your mortgage.
Debt free income living in your 60’s
Your 60’s should be focused on:
- Earning money if you still wish to.
- Living off the income streams from your investments.
- Living debt free.
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