Tax Havens

Tax Savings Strategy 222 | Christmas Party

19 December 2017

Holding a Christmas party on business premises during work hours is the most tax effective option for businesses. The cost of a light meal and drink will be tax deductible to the employer with no FBT liability incurred. The meal can be several courses and include a variety of foods, but must exclude alcohol. In…

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Domicile Captive Insurance Businesses

15 December 2017

A captive insurance business is an insurance company that is wholly owned and controlled by the insured. The company’s objectives are to provide themselves with better insurance coverage at lower costs (by avoiding the commercial insurer’s expenses and profit margins). Cayman Islands is a leading offshore domicile for captive insurance companies as it has modern…

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Tax Savings Strategy 191 | Pets in the Workplace

14 December 2017

This strategy makes private pet ownership costs tax deductible (under certain circumstances).  Having pets in the workplace involves the employer acquiring pets for the workplace (whether an office, factory or warehouse).  The pets could be the standard, cat, dog, fish, ferret, bird, snake, or any other pet really. The business benefits of pets in the…

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Domicile Hedge Funds

8 December 2017

Eighty percent of the world’s hedge funds worth US$800 billion are domiciled in the Cayman Islands.  Hedge funds have been attracted to the Cayman Islands due to their balanced regulatory framework (which recognises the purchasers of hedge funds are sophisticated investors), absence of unnecessary licencing provisions, and significant flexibility with regard to investment objectives, risks,…

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Tax Savings Strategy 157 | Pooled Development Funds

7 December 2017

Pooled development funds (PDFs) are eligible investment companies that are registered under the Pooled Development Funds Act 1992 (PDF Act) and which provide equity capital to Australian small and medium sized companies. The taxable income of a PDF that is comprised of capital gains and assessable income from, or from the disposal of, SME investments…

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Trading with the Tax Haven’s Local Population

1 December 2017

    Many companies have established entities in tax havens as they operate trading businesses in those tax havens servicing the local population.  Telstra, for example, controls 20 subsidiaries across five tax havens, including Jersey and Mauritius. Telstra uses several of these tax haven entities to provide telephone services to the local population.

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Delaware’s Flexible Corporate Laws Attract Business

24 November 2017

  The General Corporation Law (Title 8, Chapter 1 of the Delaware Code) is the statute governing corporate law in the U.S. state of Delaware. It has been the most important jurisdiction in United States corporate law since 10th March 1899 when it enacted corporate-friendly laws to attract businesses from New York. The general incorporation…

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Tax Planning Strategy 153 | Junior Mineral Exploration Tax Credit

22 November 2017

The Junior Mineral Exploration Tax Credit (JMETC) encourages non-mining investors to invest in exploration companies and help fund their exploration activity. The JMETC allows mining companies undertaking exploration to renounce their deductions for exploration, and pass the benefits of those deductions onto shareholders. The shareholders can then use the credits to reduce their tax payable…

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Tax Havens Require Political and Economic Stability to Flourish

17 November 2017

Without political and economic stability, no amount of tax inducement can bring in outside investors. No company or individual, whether local or international, will feel comfortable making any kind of capital investment in any country where the political climate is characterised by upheavals and a lot of uncertainty. African instability itself explains why Africa still…

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"You’d be stupid not to try to cut your tax bill and those that don’t are stupid in business"

- Bono: U2