Roydon Snelgar

Non Disclosure of Income from Tax Havens

15 June 2018

Income generated from assets held in tax havens is often not disclosed, or included, in the controlling taxpayer’s tax returns. The amount of income not disclosed, and taxes avoided, will never be known. But what is certain, is that with $6 trillion of assets in tax havens, the income generated (and untaxed), must be phenomenal.  …

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Tax Savings Strategy 209 | Excess Concessional Super Contributions

14 June 2018

This strategy involves employees with large employment income salary sacrificing part of their wages into excess concessional super contributions.  The tax consequences of this are: The employer receives a tax deduction for the total super contributions made. The excess super contributions are included in the employees individual assessable income and taxed at marginal rates. The…

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Ambulance Officers & Paramedics

13 June 2018

Average weekly pay:          $1,700  Employment size:               17,100   Future growth:                     Very Strong         Skill level                                Associate Degree or Diploma   …

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The First Self Managed Super Fund was Established in 1915

12 June 2018

A self-managed super fund (SMSF) is an Australian trust structure that is used by members to personally manage their retirement savings. SMSFs are established for the sole purpose of providing financial benefits to its beneficiaries in retirement, with the benefits passing to the deceased’s beneficiaries on death. The first SMSFs were established in 1915 to…

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Basing a Holding Company in a Tax Haven

8 June 2018

       A holding company is a parent corporation that owns enough voting shares in another company to control its policies and management. The benefits of forming a holding company include: The holding company itself is protected from losses if a subsidiary company fails and goes into liquidation. The creditors of the subsidiary company…

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Case Study | Change PSI to Personal Services Business

7 June 2018

Objectives: James is employed as a contract engineer at two different engineering companies. He would like to build wealth and save tax at the same time. Facts: James contracts through his company and has income totalling $300,000 pa. Sarah, his wife, looks after their two young children and has nil income. Accountant’s Advice: Tax Strategy…

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Delaware Incorporation Legislation Enacted in 1899

5 June 2018

             The General Corporation Law (Title 8, Chapter 1 of the Delaware Code) is the statute governing corporate law in the U.S. state of Delaware. It has been the most important jurisdiction in United States corporate law since 10th March 1899 when it enacted corporate-friendly laws to attract businesses from…

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Costa Rica

1 June 2018

         Costa Rica, literally meaning ‘Rich Coast’ in Spanish, is a country in Central America (bordered by Nicaragua, Panama, the Pacific Ocean, and Ecuador). The name La Costa Rica was first applied by Christopher Columbus in 1502 when he sailed to the eastern shores of Costa Rica during his final voyage and…

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Tax Savings Strategy 208 | Trust Cloning Using the SBRR

31 May 2018

Trust cloning involves setting up a trust (the ‘cloned trust’) with the same terms and beneficiaries of another trust (the ‘original trust’). Assets may then be transferred from the original trust to the cloned trust. The advantages of trust cloning are: Asset protection – allows a trust carrying on a business to separate the business…

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"You’d be stupid not to try to cut your tax bill and those that don’t are stupid in business"

- Bono: U2