Art in the workplace – less stress, increased creativity and productivity

Art in the workplace – less stress, increased creativity and productivity

workplace art

Studies have shown that art in the workplace provides big benefits to businesses including reducing stress at the office, increased creativity and productivity, enhanced employee morale, broadened appreciation of diversity, and encourages open dialogue. Most people connect with art as it touches a memory, or conjures up an image of a different time or place, so refreshes and re-energises us.

The benefits of art in the workplace include:

  • Stimulates creative thinking – It can inspire creative thinking and give everyone confidence that new ideas will be well received. Using dynamic, changing art can inspire and encourage staff to think differently.
  • Creates a good work culture – This is essential in motivating employees, increasing productivity and staff retention.
  • Shows employees you value them – Art at the workplace shows employees you are trying to improve their work life experience and you value them as individuals, not just a resource. Some 82% percent of employees said art was important in the work environment, and 73% said their view of the company would change if the art were removed.
  • Impresses your customers – Exhibiting art can help you make a positive first impression.
  • Improves communication – Art always inspires debate, opinions and conversations.
  • Supports the arts community – Customers prefer to deal with businesses that are active and support community events.
  • Reflects the business’s identity – Art tells the world about what you represent and helps in projecting your company’s style.
  • Improves learning – Art has been shown to increase exam scores, improve academic performance and problem-solving skills, and is essential to the development of a skilled and creative workforce. 

Besides, art is an excellent investment and has produced long term annual capital gains of 4-5% over the last 465 years.

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"You’d be stupid not to try to cut your tax bill and those that don’t are stupid in business"

- Bono: U2