Publish a business book to elevate your business
5 May 2020
Self-publishing, a business book in your field of expertise, can have a myriad of direct benefits for you and your business.
Done well, including professional design and editing, the benefits can include:
- Setting you apart from your competitors, and most importantly, adding a layer of credibility unattainable by almost any other means.
- You are elevating your status as the 'go-to' person in your field. This can lead to lucrative speaking engagements, media opportunities, and higher recognition.
- Fast-tracking existing and potential clients' understanding of your business and ideas and to provide ongoing written support for implementation.
- Creating a unique marketing tool – it will be kept, it will persevere, and it will be shared. Your book makes the ultimate business card or giveaway. Spread your vision far and wide and sow seeds for future business opportunities.
- Magnifying discoverability – your book, published and available worldwide with today's technology, in paperback, hardcover and eBook editions, means your text will be easily discoverable outside your current circle of influence.
- Passive income generation – modern print and distribution channels now allow your book to be purchased, printed and fulfilled, hands-off, 24/7 worldwide.
A well-thought-out, professional-looking self-published book can elevate your business above your competitors; inform and inspire current and future clientele; magnify your profile and that of your business. The value of your words printed and bound between covers, in today's transient digital media-saturated world, can't be understated.
- Get very clear on why you are doing it – not for fame or money as most likely you will receive neither.
- Read every book in the industry.
- Write the marketing plan first – this provides clarity on who will read the book and what you should include in it.
- Invest in a professional editor, cover, and typesetting.
- Use a publishing service.
- Self-publish – with print on demand this is easy and affordable.
"You’d be stupid not to try to cut your tax bill and those that don’t are stupid in business"
- Bono: U2