Should you save your money or invest it?

Should you save your money or invest it?

share market

Should you save your money or invest it. The answer comes from the question;


  • Do you have enough cash to cover 6 months of expenses in case of income loss? – Save
  • Do you need money that you can access quickly that you don’t currently have to do things like travel or buy a car? – Save
  • Is your main goal to save for retirement and are comfortable not being able to access your money without loss until retirement age? – Invest
  • Do you have both short- and long-term goals? – Save and invest
  • Could you stomach a big short term correction in your savings without panic? – Invest
  • Does the thought of large amounts of money in the share market prevent you from sleeping at night? – Save

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"You’d be stupid not to try to cut your tax bill and those that don’t are stupid in business"

- Bono: U2