Roydon Snelgar


9 April 2019

             Capital city:                Roseau  Currency:                    East Caribbean dollar (XCD)      Population:                73,543   Language:                  English     GDP:     …

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Calculate the True Value of a Customer

2 April 2019

By calculating the true value of a customer, or potential customer, it places a value on the total sales and profits generated by the customer over their lifetime with the business. The actual numbers can be astounding. For example, although the initial sale may only be $100, the value of repeat sales over a 20-year…

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24 March 2019

     Capital city:                Djibouti Currency:                    Djiboutian franc (DJF) Population:                942,333   Language:                  French and Arabic      GDP:             …

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Tax Savings Strategy 220 | Non-Geared Unit Trust

19 March 2019

Non-geared unit trusts (NGUT) allow taxpayers to co-invest with their SMSF in property. The benefits of the NGUT structure include: Enables a SMSF with limited funds to co-invest in large property purchases. The SMSF can purchase additional units in the NGUT from related parties (at market value). The NGUT has flexibility in issuing and redeeming…

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Incorporated Limited Partnership

13 March 2019

An incorporated limited partnership is an incorporated entity which is separate from the partners, has perpetual succession, and can sue or be sued in its own name.  An incorporated limited partnership has the following structure:    One or more general partners (whose liability is unlimited) and one or more limited partners. The general partners manage…

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Operate Your Business from Home

5 March 2019

Operating your business from home is an option if you spend most of your time working at client premises, deal with clients predominantly over the phone & internet, or just need a small office. Operating from home reduces your rental costs to nil.  The main advantages of operating the business from home are:    …

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Artistic Directors, Media Producers & Presenters

26 February 2019

  Average Weekly Pay Employment Size Future Growth Skill Level $1,466 27,900 Moderate  Bachelor degree or higher  *Swipe across to view all table data  Artistic directors, media producers and presenters produce artistic policies for performing arts organisations, prepare and present news, sports and other information, and conduct interviews on radio and television.  Typical tax deductions:…

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34 Practices Complete the Tax Planning Made Simple Workshop

25 February 2019

34 practices in Melbourne and Perth have just completed our Tax Planning Made Simple Workshop.  The workshop teaches practices how to add a tax planning division to their practice in only one day. Although tax planning generates $330 million of fees pa, less than 1% of practices outside the top 100 generate any tax planning revenue. …

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Tax Savings Strategy 219 | Avoid the Luxury Car Tax

19 February 2019

The luxury car tax (LCT) is a tax on cars with a GST inclusive value above the LCT threshold ($66,331 as at 2018/19). LCT is imposed at the rate of 33% above the LCT threshold. LCT is paid by businesses that sell or import luxury cars, and individuals who import luxury cars. Taxpayers can avoid…

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Establish a Family SMSF

12 February 2019

    A self managed super fund (SMSF) is a superannuation trust structure that provides benefits to its members upon retirement. The main difference between SMSFs and other super funds is that SMSF members are also the trustees of the fund. The advantages of establishing a family SMSF are:   Tax savings – 0% on…

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"You’d be stupid not to try to cut your tax bill and those that don’t are stupid in business"

- Bono: U2