Roydon Snelgar

1953 – Captive Insurance Companies

16 July 2018

A captive insurance company is where a parent group creates its own licensed insurance company to provide coverage for itself. The benefits of this include reduced costs, ability to insure difficult risks, direct access to reinsurance markets, and increased cash flow. In addition, when a company creates a captive they are indirectly able to evaluate…

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Tax Savings Strategy 211 | Sell a Business and Pay No Tax

12 July 2018

This strategy involves selling your business and paying no tax. This strategy only applies to businesses that pass either the $2 million turnover test or the $6 million net assets test. The three tax strategies that can achieve this are listed in the order of their attractiveness: 15 Year Small Business CGT Exemption. Retirement Exemption…

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Double Tax Treaty Manipulation

10 July 2018

Double taxation is the levying of tax by two or more jurisdictions on the same declared income, asset or financial transaction. It may occur where a business or individual who is resident in one country makes a taxable gain in another country. Most countries, including the US and Australia, tax their residents on their worldwide…

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Advertising and Marketing Professionals

5 July 2018

Average weekly pay:          $1,346  Employment size:               206,600   Future growth:                     Strong      Skill level                                Bachelor degree or higher   Advertising and marketing…

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TaxFitness Release Notes – June 2018

3 July 2018

New report – Deluxe Tax Savings Report.  The deluxe tax savings report includes all the benefits of the premium tax savings report plus reporting on tax summary, original income and net worth (the assets and liabilities for each group member). New database – Occupation Database.  The occupation database explains both the typical, and unusual, tax…

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The Bachelor Tax of 1927

3 July 2018

     A bachelor tax is a tax imposed on bachelors. The historical motives for imposing a bachelor tax have varied greatly from encouraging marriage, encouraging population growth, penalising delinquent and irresponsible bachelors, to simply raising government revenue. As Oscar Wilde (Irish Novelist and Poet, 1854-1900) said, ‘Rich bachelors should be heavily taxed. It is…

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Living in a Tax Haven

22 June 2018

The tax systems of most OECD and developed countries are very similar. Generally, individuals who are deemed to reside in their country will be tax residents and taxed on their worldwide income. For example, an individual is an Australian tax resident if they either reside in Australia or satisfy one of three statutory residence tests…

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The Liechtenstein Foundation of 1926

22 June 2018

There is no universal or legal definition of foundation. A foundation can be a trust, company, or other entity; and be either not for profit, or for profit. A foundation can be established under a will, by an individual, family, company or the community. Liechtenstein is one of the few countries which allows a private…

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Case Study | Relocation Expenses

21 June 2018

Objectives:   Tom, an employee mining electrician has just got a new job in Port Headland, WA and will need to relocate his family from QLD. He wants to save some tax to help fund the relocation costs. Facts: Incurs $18,000 in airfares, accomodation, and furniture transport costs relocating the family. Tom’s current wages income is…

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Switzerland Became the First True Tax Haven in 1918

19 June 2018

Switzerland was the first ‘true’ tax haven and became a tax haven immediately following World War I. As Switzerland remained neutral during the Great War they could maintain a low level of taxes as they didn’t have the high infrastructure costs other countries had. In contrast, many European governments raised taxes sharply to help pay…

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"You’d be stupid not to try to cut your tax bill and those that don’t are stupid in business"

- Bono: U2