Roydon Snelgar

Six Tax Planning Options

9 August 2017

Accounting practices have six options available to them in relation to providing tax planning services. Some practices will choose one option (strategic pathway) and others several. In addition, over time different practices will change their focus and add/or delete different options. No one pathway will fit or suit all practices. The six tax planning service…

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4 August 2017

Capital city:               Bridgetown      Currency:                   Barbadian dollar ($) (BBD)  Population:               277,821   Language:                 English & Bajan  GDP            …

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Tax Planning Strategy 162 | Endorsement Income

3 August 2017

Most forms of income earned by professional sportspeople is personal services income (PSI) and is assessed to the sportsperson individually. This includes salary, competition winnings, prizes, and appearance fees. This income cannot be split with family members or taxed at company rates.  In contrast, all endorsement income is genuine business income generated by the goodwill…

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Scale of Tax Avoidance

2 August 2017

The US Public Interest Research Group said in 2014 that the United States loses roughly $184 billion per year due to corporations such as Pfizer, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft and Citigroup using offshore tax havens to avoid paying US taxes. In 2010-2012 Pfizer paid no US income taxes despite earning $43 billion. Microsoft held $76.4 billion…

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28 July 2017

Capital city:               Amsterdam      Currency:                   Euro (€) (EUR) Population:               17.1 million   Language:                 Dutch, Frisian & English    GDP        …

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Tax Planning Strategy 173 | Salary Packaging for FBT-Exempt Employees

27 July 2017

Certain public and non-profit hospitals, ambulance services, public benevolent institutions (PBIs), religious institutions, and health promotion charities (HPCs) are eligible for an FBT exemption.  The benefits it provides its employees are exempt from FBT if the total grossed-up value of certain benefits for each employee during the FBT year is equal to, or less than,…

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Community Attitudes towards tax avoidance

26 July 2017

Community attitudes towards tax avoidance vary from approval through neutrality to outright hostility. Attitudes may vary depending on the steps taken in the avoidance scheme, or the perceived unfairness of the tax being avoided. Tax avoidance by corporations in the UK came to national attention in 2012, when MPs singled out Google, and Starbucks…

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"You’d be stupid not to try to cut your tax bill and those that don’t are stupid in business"

- Bono: U2