How to Find an Accountant That will Save You Tax

How to Find an Accountant That will Save You Tax

accountant save tax

Many accountants are just compliance based form fillers and don’t have the expertise or aptitude to save you tax. Finding a good tax planning specialist can be tough.

Eight questions to ask a prospective accountant to see if they are right for you:

  1. Are they in practice full time? (Part-time accountants are a waste of time).
  2. Are they a Tax Planning Specialist? (Only deal with a specialist).
  3. Do they provide a written Tax Plan to clients?
  4. Do they use a Tax Planning Checklist?
  5. Are they conservative, aggressive, or somewhere in the middle?
  6. Can they provide case studies on tax savings they have generated for clients?
  7. Do they offer any tax planning during the year?
  8. Do they offer pre June 30th tax planning as part of their service?

Paying tax can be one of your biggest business expenses, so reducing it as much as legally possible makes good business sense. Use these 8 questions to find a good tax planning accountant that can add value and save you tax.

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- Bono: U2