Business Advisory Strategies

Write down your financial goals

12 January 2021

What are your financial goals? You may hope to get out of debit, retire early, or have a million in your super by the age of 65. Whatever your goals, the first step to achieving them is to write them down. Writing out your financial goals, setting a timeline and steps to achieve those goals…

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Shop around for a lower fee super fund

15 December 2020

Super is an Australian government-regulated savings plan for retirement. Your Australian employer must pay a percentage of your earnings into your super account, and your super fund invests the money until you retire. How much you retire with can be significantly affected by the fees your super fund charges. It is therefore important to shop…

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How to use credit cards to build wealth

8 December 2020

We need credit cards to function in society. They are crucial to building credit ratings with banks and have useful tracking features for budgeting. However, using credits cards to spend money that we don’t actually have can have dire consequences for our personal finance by;  Reducing our wealth by increasing our variable expenses through interest…

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Reduce your debt to build wealth

1 December 2020

Reducing debt is easy in theory but exceedingly difficult in practice. We all need to borrow money at some point in our lives, whether it be to buy a house or start a business.  Whilst debt leveraging can be a useful wealth-building tool, in most cases reducing or removing all debt will result in a…

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Pay yourself first to reach your savings goals

24 November 2020

Overview It sounds contradictory and counterproductive but paying yourself first can be a very effective personal finance strategy for wealth generation. Implementation Decide how much you would like to spend each weak on your self. Decide how much you need to save each week to reach your savings goals. When your money comes in, set…

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Incorporated association

3 November 2020

An incorporated association is a formal legal structure adopted by a broad range of non-profit organisations. Incorporated associations have the word 'incorporated' or the abbreviation 'Inc' in their name. Incorporated associations are subject to state or territory incorporation laws and are administered to by a government body within the relevant state and territory. As a…

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Unique selling proposition

27 October 2020

  The unique selling proposition (USP) is a marketing concept that states successful advertising campaigns make unique propositions to customers that convince them to switch brands. It is what makes your business unique and valuable to your customers. The term was invented by television advertising pioneer Rosser Reeves of Ted Bates & Company. Unique propositions…

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Hybrid trusts for capital growth and income assets

6 October 2020

A hybrid trust is a particular type of trust that combines the best elements of a discretionary trust and a unit trust in the one entity. This structure is useful for holding capital growth and income-producing assets such as rental properties. The advantages of a hybrid trust are: Can save tax by streaming different types…

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Trade shows and exhibitions

22 September 2020

A trade show or exhibition is an exhibition organised so that companies in a specific industry can showcase and demonstrate their latest products and services, study activities of rivals and examine recent market trends and opportunities. The benefits of trade shows: Improves awareness – It helps build the brand, knowledge of products, and enhances name…

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Home unit companies have reduced annual return fees

1 September 2020

A home unit company is a proprietary company whose sole function is to act as the body corporate of a block of flats or units. The company operates as a body corporate to administer the property and to facilitate, protect and enforce the rights of company members concerning the exclusive occupation of the residential areas…

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