Business Advisory Strategies

Early-stage innovation company

7 April 2020

An early-stage innovation company (ESIC) is a company that has high growth potential, can scale, addresses a broader than the local market, and has competitive advantages. ESIC companies can provide investors with the following tax incentives: A 20% non-refundable tax offset on investments, capped at $200,000 per investor per year. A capital gains tax exemption,…

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What is a discretionary trust and do I need one?

24 March 2020

A discretionary trust (also known as a family trust) is a trust established to hold a family's assets or operate a business. Generally, they are established for asset protection and/or tax purposes. The benefits of a discretionary trust include: Flexibility on income distributions. The trustee decides before the 30th June each financial year how that…

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Personal branding

4 February 2020

Personal branding is the practice of people marketing themselves and their careers as brands. Personal branding is essentially the ongoing process of establishing a prescribed image or impression in the mind of others about an individual.   Tom Peter’s first wrote about personal branding in an article called ‘A Brand Called You’ in 1997. He said…

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Deregistered company

27 January 2020

    A company may be deregistered after it is closed down (e.g. voluntary deregistration), liquidated (by the members, court or creditors) or struck off the register of companies by ASIC (e.g. for outstanding annual review fees). Once a company is deregistered:       It ceases to exist as a legal entity and can…

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Trustee Company

10 December 2019

    A trustee company is a legal entity that acts as a fiduciary, agent or trustee on behalf of a person or business for the purpose of administration, management and the eventual transfer of assets to a beneficial party. Trustee companies provide independent trustee services and can undertake the following activities:   Producing offer…

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Consistency is key to exceptional business results

3 December 2019

The key to exceptional business results is consistency. If you do nothing else, be consistent. Consistency doesn’t mean being the best at something or providing the highest quality, it means providing predictable, reliable results to the customer or client every time you do business with them. Consistency creates the reputation that your business will be…

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Super Fund Trustee Company

12 November 2019

A super fund trustee company is a type of special purpose proprietary company that is only permitted to act as trustee of a self-managed superannuation fund and cannot trade in any form or to act as a trustee of any other trust. A super fund trustee company’s constitution must contain a clause prohibiting the company…

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Improving Customer Traffic Flow

6 November 2019

The layout of your retail store determines the way that traffic (customers) flows through your establishment. The better you understand retail store traffic, the more effective your store layout will be. Research has demonstrated that stores that are laid out effectively will have an increase in sales conversions.      An effective store layout directs…

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Shelf Company

1 October 2019

A shelf company is a company that has not traded and historically has had no activity. In the past it could take up to two weeks to incorporate a company, yet people often needed a new company quickly, so providers of company registration services would register companies and have them 'sitting on the shelf', ready…

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Export Market Development Grants Scheme

24 September 2019

    The Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) scheme is a key Australian Government financial assistance program for aspiring and current exporters. Administered by Austrade, the scheme supports the export of intellectual property and know-how outside Australia. The EMDG scheme:     Encourages small and medium sized Australian businesses to develop export markets. Reimburses up…

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- Bono: U2