Lowering your selling prices will increase sales when your product or service has an elastic demand curve i.e. when you slightly lower your prices, volume goes up substantially. This will be a profitable strategy if lower prices produce greater gross profits due to increased sales volume even though the profit per unit has fallen. …
Read More »Proprietary limited companies are the most common company structure in Australia and account for 98.5% of all companies. Generally, they are the most appropriate company structure for small businesses. A Proprietary Limited company (also known as a Pty Ltd company), cannot raise capital from the public, and is restricted to a maximum 50 non- employee…
Read More »Upselling can involve marketing more profitable services or products, or just exposing the customer to other options that were not considered. Upselling is more successful when the up sellers know more about the individual customer and understands what the customer values and wants. This information includes the customer's background, budget, preferences, interests, and previous buyer…
Read More »A partnership of discretionary trusts is a partnership where each partner is a discretionary trust. This is a good structure for unrelated parties wanting to operate a business or invest together because: Provides each partner with a fixed interest in the partnership; say 50% each. Allows access to the CGT small business concessions. Provides…
Read More »By calculating the true value of a customer, or potential customer, it places a value on the total sales and profits generated by the customer over their lifetime with the business. The actual numbers can be astounding. For example, although the initial sale may only be $100, the value of repeat sales over a 20-year…
Read More »An incorporated limited partnership is an incorporated entity which is separate from the partners, has perpetual succession, and can sue or be sued in its own name. An incorporated limited partnership has the following structure: One or more general partners (whose liability is unlimited) and one or more limited partners. The general partners manage…
Read More »Operating your business from home is an option if you spend most of your time working at client premises, deal with clients predominantly over the phone & internet, or just need a small office. Operating from home reduces your rental costs to nil. The main advantages of operating the business from home are: …
Read More »A self managed super fund (SMSF) is a superannuation trust structure that provides benefits to its members upon retirement. The main difference between SMSFs and other super funds is that SMSF members are also the trustees of the fund. The advantages of establishing a family SMSF are: Tax savings – 0% on…
Read More »In a typical husband and wife tradepeople partnership, one partner is qualified (for example an electrician) and produces the partnership income and the other partner may be involved in administration for the partnership. Profits from the partnership are normally split 50/50 between the partners. This structure was reviewed by the ATO in 2005 in…
Read More »PAYG variations are attractive to taxpayers who have negatively geared investments (such as rental properties or share portfolios), and receive large tax refunds when lodging their annual tax returns. This strategy involves lodging a PAYG variation with the ATO in July of each financial year to bring forward the tax benefit. Once the PAYG variation…
Read More »"You’d be stupid not to try to cut your tax bill and those that don’t are stupid in business"
- Bono: U2