Roydon Snelgar

Case Study | Aircraft Engineer Saves $1,551 Tax

15 August 2018

Objectives:     Frankie is an aircraft engineer working for Qantas at the Sydney Airport. Frankie uses some of his own specialist tools to perform his job every day but doesn’t leave them at the workplace overnight due to recent thefts. Frankie wants to protect his valuable tools and save tax. Facts:       …

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1973 – Nugent Hand Bank

14 August 2018

Nugan Hand Bank was an infamous Australian merchant bank that was involved in drug smuggling, arranging weapons deals, providing a front for the United States CIA, money laundering and tax evasion schemes (including the Bottom of the Harbour). Nugan Hand Ltd was founded in Sydney in 1973 by Australian lawyer Francis John ‘Frank’ Nugan and…

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International Business Companies

7 August 2018

Hong Kong, the British Virgin Islands, and Panama have the largest numbers of registered International Business Companies (IBCs). Jointly these three countries are home to over 1.5 million IBCs. The main difference between offshore companies and IBCs is that IBCs are not taxable in the country of incorporation as long as they don’t engage in…

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Aged and Disabled Carers

2 August 2018

Average weekly pay:          $900  Employment size:               163,700   Future growth:                     Very strong      Skill level                                Certificate II or III   Aged and…

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Tax Savings for 201 Employee Occupations | New Book

1 August 2018

Tax Savings for 201 Employee Occupations details tax saving strategies and ideas for 201 different employee occupations. It doesn’t matter what the occupation is, there are tax strategies that commonly apply to that occupation. Often employee taxpayers are unaware of all the tax saving strategies that are available. This is understandable as the Australian taxation…

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1970 – Bottom of the Harbour Tax Avoidance

31 July 2018

Bottom of the harbour tax avoidance schemes involved stripping a company of its assets and leaving it with unpaid tax liabilities. The company was then sold to someone else (often the criminal elements of Melbourne dockworkers), who subsequently destroyed the company records and disappeared. The term ‘bottom of the harbour’ was coined by members of…

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Offshore Finance Company

26 July 2018

Multinational businesses often finance their Australian business investments with large amounts of overseas debt instead of equity as it is more tax effective for the following reasons: Subject to compliance with the thin capitalisation rules the interest expense is deductible against the Australian business’s profits. Each $1.00 of interest expense saves $0.275 or $0.30 in…

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Avoiding Capital Gains Tax

24 July 2018

Since 1985 Australia has had a capital gains tax that taxes residents on their capital gains made on property and share investments. Various exemptions apply, with the main one being the primary residence exemption. In contrast, non-residents investing in Australian only pay capital gains tax on Australian property. Taxable Australian property includes: A direct interest…

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Case Study: Tax Deductible Dog Saves $564 Tax

19 July 2018

    Objectives: Robert is a plumber and has recently lost tools due to theft at the building sites he works on. Robert purchases a dog to take to work for companionship, and to also protect his tools. Facts: Incurs $900 buying the dog and $600 training fees. Incurs $1,200 per year for food and…

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"You’d be stupid not to try to cut your tax bill and those that don’t are stupid in business"

- Bono: U2